Just that he is even considered is a credit to one of the greatest golfer’s of all time. When asked if he thought he had a chance, he replied, with that Tom Watson, grin/smile: “Too early to tell, ask me on the Wednesday night in Sandwich!” Please notice, he did not say no. So that leads me to think that at least he believes he has a chance.
His recent Senior PGA Major win shows that his game is still sharp. If the conditions are right, his putter gets red hot, and the Golf God’s are on his side, a bounce here, a chip in there, who knows? He may just be able to pull it off.
The last British Open played at Royal St. George was in 2003. Tom finished 7 strokes off of the pace, with a 77 in the second round, and a 69 in the final round. If that second round 77 had been a 69, he would have won the tournament. It could be argued that his game has not changed all that much since 2003. Of course, if does not count in golf.
Here is one fan that would love to see Tom win it. Good luck Tom. Here is a great article on Tom’s Major Championship wins.
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